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Gymnast Fees Policy 2023

The Gymnast Fees Policy has just been reviewed and updated by our committee and is ready to be shared with parents. This comes into effect from September 2023

Please view full document below:

Squad Gymnast Fees Policy 2023


Team Bath Rhythmic Gymnastics (TBRG) is a non-profit making community sports club, and as such does not operate to make profit from payment for training, club membership fees etc. Surpluses which are generated throughout the year are ‘re-cycled’ into TBRG’s activities. The fees are calculated to bring in sufficient income to pay for the hire of the sports halls where the members train; to pay the fees and expenses of the coaches for both their attendance at the regular training sessions and at competitions; and for miscellaneous expenditure such as equipment, insurance, and British Gymnastics membership. Fees are payable in advance to protect the financial security of TBRG.

The committee will review fees on an annual basis to ensure that these criteria are being met.


Payment Terms

The first session at TBRG is a free trial session and is booked in advance via the link to our online booking system on our website


Squad gymnasts are placed in different squads by the coaches according to their age and other determining factors, such as ability and experience. Once the squad has been decided, the coach will discuss the training hours with parent/guardian and if this is agreed they will inform the Treasury Team who will send payment schedule details.


From September 2023 ALL Squad gymnast fees will be paid monthly via STANDING ORDER (SO) and not through the online booking system.


Standing orders will need to be set up by parents/guardians and payments should reach the TBRG bank account on the 1st of every month.  Full details of the SO amount and the bank account which these need to be paid in to will be sent by the Treasury team to each member individually.   

Bank: Lloyds Bank

Account Name: Team Bath Rhythmic Gymnastics

Sort Code: 30-90-54

Account Number: 00908032


Monthly standing order payments will be calculated as follows:

11 equal payments from 1st September to 1st July (no payment due in August)

Weekly training fee x average of 4 training weeks per month (44 weeks per year)



Platinum members pay £36 per week

36 x 4 = £144 per month


Late Payment of Fees 

As a not for profit club, TBRG rely on fees being paid on time.  The following will be implemented if fees are not paid: ​

  • If fees do not reach our account by 10th of each month, a 10% admin fee will be added to your account

  • If 2 months of fees are outstanding then the gymnast/s will not be allowed to enter competitions until fees are up to date

  • If fees remain outstanding for 3 months then the gymnast/s will not be allowed to attend training sessions until fees are up to date


Please refer to the FAQ section for further information.


In addition to their monthly fees, Group squad gymnasts will pay an annual apparatus hire fee of £25, regardless of how many different apparatus is used. (Please see group apparatus and leotards hire). 


By agreeing to join a squad, gymnasts should be available for ALL of the timetabled sessions and fees are charged as given in the table.  Members will be made aware of the membership category they fall into and emailed if their band changes due to squad moves/changes in training hours.  Any squad changes need to be agreed with the member/gymnasts and the head/lead coach and these will take effect at the start of the following month so long as the agreement has been reached by 15th of month

Bronze       £7 per hour, (up to 3 hrs week)

Silver         £24 per week (4-5 hrs)

Gold          £28 per week (6-8hrs)

Platinum    £36 per week (9-10hrs)

Diamond    £40 per week (11-15hrs)

Diamond + £46 per week (15+hrs)


Serving Notice to Leave TBRG 

One full month notice must be given in writing, via email, to both the head coach (bath.rhythmic.evina@gmail,com) and fees (  If a gymnast decides to leave the club during this period, no refunds will be given.  


Holiday Camps 

Details of any holiday camps will be posted online/emailed before the event along with details of the costs. The hourly rate is set at £5.  Holiday camps are booked in advance through the online booking platform and a gymnast will not be able to attend holiday training camps without pre-booking as we require an up to date register for welfare purposes. 



All gymnasts are required to pay an annual membership fee to British Gymnastics. BG membership forms the insurance policy for gymnasts and TBRG. All gymnasts and coaches must be insured; therefore, all individuals are responsible for keeping their BG membership up to date.


Please ensure you purchase your annual British Gymnastics membership in September of each year:


Reduced Fees

Reduced fees are available for gymnasts in receipt of Pupil Premium Funding (PPF) and for siblings

of TBRG gymnasts. In order to receive a fees discount parents should contact the TBRG treasurer

ahead of any payment. Parents may be asked to provide evidence of Pupil Premium Funding.


Gymnast eligible for PPF = 15% discount

Gymnast with sibling = Full fees

Sibling/s of gymnast = 15% discount 


If a gymnast qualifies for more than one discount, the total discount is capped at 20%

Reduced fees are not available on external expenses (see appendix for definition).


Absence and Illness

All sessions are booked and paid for in advance via SO. If a gymnast misses a session/s due to illness, holiday or another reason, it is not possible to issue a refund. As a courtesy, in order to facilitate the planning of sessions, please notify coaches in advance of any known absence. 


In the event of an injury, please contact your gymnast’s coach, in the first instance, to discuss the nature of the injury and any adjustments that need to be made to the gymnast’s training schedule. Where it is recommended by the coach that the training hours are reduced, the fees due will be adjusted to reflect this. If it is not possible to make reasonable adjustments, then you may be eligible for a payment break.


In the event of long-term illness or long-term absence you may be eligible for a payment break. You should contact the Treasury Team who will discuss the request with TBRG Committee. The committee will decide on a case-by-case basis, whether or not to agree to the request. All requests should be submitted to the treasury team/fees secretary, where possible, in advance and will be treated in confidence.



Gymnasts will be invited to enter competitions by the competition secretary, as advised by the coaches. Once you have accepted the invitation to attend the competition, the club will then make the entry on your behalf. At this point you then become liable for the fees that the club is charged. The entrance fees for competitions usually vary from approx. £10 to £25 per routine depending on the nature and level of the competition and whether it is individual or group. 


Entry fees into each Competition are due at least 6 weeks before the event*. Entry fees are paid direct to TBRG and the Treasury Team will send an invoice with all payment details and are non-refundable unless the gymnast is withdrawn by the coach 


*Entry for some competitions may be within 6 weeks of the competition date.  If this is the case, you will receive a fees invoice once entries are submitted and accepted.  Entry fees will need to be paid within 7 days from the invoice date and if they are not paid by the day before the competition, a 10% admin fee is applicable.

Judge and coach contributions. Each competing gymnast is charged a fixed fee in order to cover the costs of the judges and coaches representing TBRG. Gymnasts can only enter a competition with appropriate judges and coaches in attendance. The fee is applied at the point of entry via online booking platform. All gymnasts who have been entered in a competition - including traveling reserve gymnasts in group squads - will pay the same fee and the fee is the same regardless of whether the gymnast performs once or twice.  This fee will be added to the invoice sent by the Treasury Team. 


The fee is set at £35 per gymnast per competition.


These fees are only refundable if the gymnast is withdrawn by the coach. 


TBRG gymnasts competing in Bath Open will only be charged entry fees, NOT the Judge and Coach Contribution.  In return, we expect parents to volunteer during this competition and fundraising fees from this event will pay for the judges and coaches for TBRG. 


Non payment of Competition fees 

If competition fees are not paid BEFORE the event (with no communications or payment plan) then the following applies:

●      Gymnast will be withdrawn from the said competition, but entry fee will still be payable, with a 10% admin fee added

●      No further competitions until fees are paid or a payment plan is agreed.


Leotards and Apparatus hire 

TBRG own a number of competition leotards for group squads. Gymnasts participating in Group competitions are required to wear the same style leotard when competing and will be charged £15.00 leotard hire per competition, with second leotard hire at £10.   Gymnasts who participate in Individual competitions must wear their own leotards; we are unable to hire out TBRG leotards for individual routines.


Apparatus for all Individual training and competitions should be provided by the gymnast. Apparatus for Group competitions is owned by TBRG and hired by group gymnasts at an annual fee of £25 per gymnast due January of each year.  Members will be invoiced separately for this.


Guest Rate for Visiting Gymnasts

Guest gymnasts (gymnasts from other clubs who attend TBRG training sessions) will be charged a ‘guest rate’ of £5 per hour. 


Affiliated Members

A gymnast who wishes to be a member of TBRG and represent TBRG at competitions and displays but has a training arrangement outside of TBRG training sessions will pay TBRG £10 per month or £100 per year to cover admin and other costs. Any competition fees, and associated costs, will be charged at the same rate as TBRG gymnasts. They will also pay their annual BG membership. Any TBRG training sessions attended will be charged at the ‘guest rate’ of £5 per hour. 


What is included in your club fees:

•  Training hours and the assistance of our top coaches 

•  Use of the TBRG’s infrastructure 

•  Use of TBRG equipment 

•  Use of TBRG training/competition carpet 

•  Music and editing

•  Choreography of competition routines 

•  Invitations for display and/or competition entry, representing TBRG 

•  Competition results

What is not included in your club fees (additional items that will be appropriate, as and when your gymnast may need them):

•  Personal apparatus 

•  Personal training equipment

•  Training clothing

•  Toe-shoes

•  Competition entry fees, contribution to judge and coaching costs

•  Travel and accommodation to displays/competitions

•  Competition leotards

•  group apparatus hire

•  National Squad Training fees


Team Bath Rhythmic Gymnastics Committee

September 2023

Appendix:  FAQ


Who is responsible for setting up the standing order?

It is the responsibility of the parent/guardian to set up the standing order and make sure payments come out every month from September to July.  The payment should reach the TBRG bank account on the 1st of every month (excluding August).  TBRG will send all the details you require in order to set up your standing order.

Bank Account details as follows:

Bank: Lloyds Bank

Account Name: Team Bath Rhythmic Gymnastics

Sort Code: 30-90-54

Account Number: 00908032 


Why am I paying for 4 training weeks every month when some months are less than that?

As the number of training weeks varies per month, the simplest method is to take an average of 4 training weeks.  This may result in slight overpayment in some months but underpayment in others.  Your account will be reviewed every 4 months and you will be notified if any credits have accrued.  These can be used for competition fees, leotard hire, apparatus fee etc.  Statements will be sent out three times per year: January, April and a final statement in July/August.  


What happens if TBRG has to cancel a training session?

Occasionally it is necessary to cancel a session, but we will endeavor to replace this. If a session can be re-arranged for the same day/time but at an alternative venue, fees for that session will not be refunded.  Where a cancelled session can be re-arranged for a different day and time, parents will be given advance notice of changes.  These changes will be communicated via email and newsletter.  If a gymnast is unable to attend a rescheduled session then they must let the treasury team ( know in advance and in writing so a credit can be added to their account. Please also notify coaches.  If you do not notify treasury team in advance not credit will be given. 

If the club is unable to arrange an alternative session, then a credit will be added to your account. 


What if my gymnast is asked to do additional training?

It may be appropriate for your gymnast to attend extra training sessions prior to competitions. Should your gymnast be invited, any payment for extra training is in addition to the weekly membership fees. The Coach will discuss and agree extra sessions with you/gymnast and if you agree, they will inform the Treasury Team who will send a separate invoice to cover additional training costs.  If you have any credit on your account this can be used toward paying for additional training if you wish. This will be charged at £5 per hour.


What happens if I fall behind on my fees?

Moving to a standing order payment system should mean that this does not happen as payments will automatically come out of your account.  However, if we notice fees have not been paid for a given month, then the Treasury Team will contact you to make you aware of this and ask for catch up payment to be made. 

Please note if 2 months of fees are outstanding then the gymnast/s will not be allowed to enter competitions until fees are up to date.  If a total of 3 months of fees are outstanding then the gymnast/s will not be allowed to attend training sessions until fees are up to date.


What happens if I have overdue competition fees? 

Competition entry fees and coach/judge contributions must be paid 6 weeks before the competition date.  Gymnasts will be withdrawn from the competition if fees are not paid and will be unable to enter further competitions until these are up to date.  Withdrawal of a group gymnast due to non-payment risks jeopardizing the group’s ability to perform.


Do I get a refund of my competition fees if my gymnast cannot attend, for example due to illness or injury?

As competition fees are paid in advance and TBRG does not receive refunds for gymnast withdrawals, we unfortunately cannot refund you the competition fees if you withdraw your gymnasts for any reason.  Fees will however be refunded if it is a coach decision to withdraw your gymnast/s. 


Who should I contact if I have questions regarding my fees?

If you have any questions about training/competition fees or need to discuss payments then please contact our treasury team on or


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