Compaints & Grievance
Complaints Policy
If you have a complaint or grievance about any part of the Club, please use the
following procedures. The Club Committee will follow up your complaint as quickly
and effectively as possible, whilst dealing with it sensitively and in confidence.
Our aim is to treat everyone with respect, and in a fair and equal way.
If you have concerns or witness an incident relating to Child Protection or the
Welfare of a child:
1. Write notes about anything you witness;
2. Contact the Welfare Officer (;
3. Describe or share your concerns regarding the issue with the Welfare Officer.
They have been trained to handle such matters and will treat your information
with confidence. They might advise you on whom to get further advice from,
start welfare procedures or take the issue to the Club Committee;
4. If the matter needs to be taken further the Welfare Officer will have to share
the information with the relevant organisations (British Gymnastics, Social
Services and/or the police).
If this is a non-urgent Welfare issue:
1. Email the Club Welfare Officer at with your
2. The CIub Welfare Officer will contact you to discuss your concern;
3. The Welfare Officer will contact those involved and investigate;
4. If the issue has not been resolved, at this stage the Welfare Officer may
arrange a mediation meeting between those involved;
5. Depending on the nature and seriousness of the issue the possible outcomes
from this meeting may involve Club disciplinary procedures, a referral to the
governing body (British Gymnastics), information passed on to Social
Services or the police.
If you have an issue or grievance to do with the running of the Club, a Club
procedure, Club event, a coach or volunteer, or any other aspect of the Club:
1. Email about your concern. If the issue is
specifically about training or competitions, please contact your child’s coach.
2. If the issue has not been resolved, request a mediation meeting with the
coach and a member of the committee at so
that a solution can be reached.
If a member of the Club has a complaint or issue surrounding a coach or gymnast
within the Club, the same process will apply, until the issue is resolved.
Welfare Team
January 2024