Information for Parents and Gymnasts

On arrival, we will be expecting coaches and gymnasts to gather on the balcony level and then walk downstairs together (without parents) to the warm-up hall. Our welcome desk is also on the balcony level, meaning that spectators will queue there to pay and do not need to go with the gymnasts, who will go to the warm-up hall with their coaches.
Please ensure that your gymnasts bring lunch with them. Due to a serious nut allergy, we ask that no one brings any nuts with them – coaches and gymnasts.
1) Entry Fees etc
Entry fee:
1 Day Adult - £5 Concs - £3 Family - £10
2 Days Adult - £8 Concs - £5 Family - £15
Programme: £3.00
2) Tea and coffee, cakes available from us.
A café is also available in the Sports Training Village building. However, the STV Café closes at 5pm on weekends, with the hot counter closing at 3.30pm.
We want to go green this year, so if you bring your keepie cup you get 50% off your drinks!
3) Kit and apparatus for sale
4) DE Photos there both days
5) Raffle
6) Teddy tombola
7) Face painting / other fun stuff (TBC)
8) Welfare
There is a welfare officer around all weekend (Team Bath RG’s Jo Wilson/Ursula Cook). Part of this is that we ask parents to sign in and out their gymnasts at the desk - please be patient! We know there are queues at peak times but better this than loose a gymnast. Again, this is manned by volunteers so we thank you for your patience!
9) First aid: available at the Team Bath reception.